Simkl Login Settings: Basic Setup
Here’s a quick rundown on how to manage your login and password settings in Simkl.
You can change your login settings at
If you see a notice about being logged in from multiple browsers, you can choose:
Log out from this browser to sign off your current session only.
Log out from all browsers to end every active session at once.
Under Login/Email, click Edit next to your current email address.
Enter your New email and your Current password.
Hit Save Changes (or click Cancel if you change your mind).
Simkl offers quick login by linking certain services to your account.
Google: Connect your Google account to skip typing a password.
Discord: Link Discord for special roles on Simkl’s Discord server and easy profile lookup via the Simkl Discord Bot.
Apple: Connect your Apple account for a simple one-click login.
To remove an existing connection, click the relevant service’s Disconnect or similar button (e.g., “Active” icon) and confirm.
Facebook Note: Facebook login was removed on June 14, 2023. If you previously had it connected, you may only disconnect it now.
Under Password, find the fields for Current password, New password, and Re-type new password.
Enter your current password first.
Then choose a secure new password and type it again to confirm.
Click Save Changes.
If you’ve forgotten your current password, select the “Forgot your password?” link to receive a recovery email.
Look for the Delete section at the bottom.
Click Clean or delete my account if you want to wipe your data or permanently close your Simkl account.
This will take you to where you can clean your watchlists, ratings or delete your account from Simkl.
That’s it for the basic setup! Adjust any settings you need, save your changes, and enjoy a more streamlined Simkl experience.
Here’s how to remove specific data or entirely delete your Simkl account.
You can clean your Watchlists or Delete your Simkl account from this page:
What gets removed?
All watch history, ratings, lists, and other activity.
Friends and followers stay intact.
Who might want this?
If you’re testing imports or developing apps and need a fresh start.
Pick what to clean
Everything: “Delete all watch history, etc”
Just TV Shows, Anime, or Movies: “Clean TV Show/Anime/Movie Watchlist”
Only Ratings: “Clean TV Show/Anime/Movie Ratings”
Confirmation Email
After clicking any clean option, Simkl sends you a confirmation email.
Open the email link to finalize the cleanup.
Check Spam/Junk if you don’t see it.
Think Twice
If you just want privacy, consider making your profile private in Privacy Settings.
If you have any issues, feel free to contact Simkl support team.
How to Delete
Click Delete Simkl account.
You’ll get an email—follow the link there to permanently remove your account.
Check Spam/Junk if it doesn’t arrive soon.
That’s it! Use the cleanup options to reset your data or remove your account entirely if you must.