Where to watch the series?
Simkl is not a platform for watching content directly, but rather a comprehensive tracking service for TV shows, anime, and movies. It helps you keep track of the content you've watched, suggests what to watch next, and notifies you when new episodes are released. Simkl doesn't offer streaming capabilities for all shows, anime, or movies, but it does provide links to Netflix, Hulu, and Crunchyroll where you can access them.
The Simkl TV Tracker is designed for enthusiasts who enjoy watching content on their computers and prefer an automated watchlist solution. It's suitable for those who download video files or stream content online through platforms such as Netflix, Hulu, iTunes, Amazon Instant Video, Vudu, and more.
Learn more about Simkl and how to use it by visiting: What is Simkl?
If you decide that Simkl is not the right fit for tracking your TV shows, you can delete your account at: https://simkl.com/settings/login/clean-or-delete/