To create a SIMKL.com account, you can visit the SIMKL website or download the app, click on "Sign Up" and provide the required information, or connect with your existing social media account, verify your email address, and complete your profile setup.
If you're a movie or TV show or anime enthusiast, you've probably used various platforms like Trakt, Netflix, IMDb, Anilist, TV Time, and more to keep track of your watch history. Now, with SIMKL, you can consolidate your entertainment journey into one place by importing your watch history from other services and creating an all-in-one profile.
You can skip this step, If you're new to the world of tracking / logging your movie and TV show experiences, don't worry! SIMKL offers an intuitive and user-friendly platform that makes it easy for newcomers to get started
For a quick starting point to select popular shows and movies that you most likely already watched you can visit https://simkl.com/profile/create
Congratulations on taking the first step towards enhancing your entertainment journey! Registering on SIMKL.com opens up a world of possibilities to track, review, and discuss your favorite movies, TV shows, and anime.
Search for a TV Show, Movie, Anime, etc:
Checking out your favorite title and tracking them
Marking individual episodes in TV Shows, Anime as watched
Marking all seasons as watched in TV Shows & Anime
Browsing Title Genres, and using the Advantages filters
Checking out your own SIMKL Profile & Customizing it
Downloading the SIMKL App
Exploring the Calendar & Countdown page in TV, Anime, Movie.
Enabling Notification for favorite shows
Using the Custom Search Settings
And many more.
Simkl supports Email, Browser and Mobile notifications
You can update notification settings at
Let me know when a new TV Show episode is released, 1 hour after airing
Let me know when a new Anime episode is released, 1 hour after airing
Let me know when a new English Subbed Anime episode is released online
Let me know when a new English Dubbed Anime episode is released online
[ X minutes ] before the new TV Show episode airs - know when to turn on the TV
[ X minutes ] before the new Anime episode airs in Japan - know when to turn on the TV
When new Movie is released that is in my Plan to Watch watchlist
When Movie is released on DVD/Digital that is in my Plan to Watch watchlist
When Anime in my Plan to Watch and On Hold lists has released all episodes (anime ended, you can start binging)
When new Anime related to any Anime in my lists has been added on Simkl (except Dropped & Plan to watch)
Someone follows me
Someone who I'm following adds a review
Someone who I'm following adds a comment
Someone replies to my comment
Someone replies to my review
Someone likes my comment
Simkl Tutorials - learn how to use Simkl
New Simkl Features - know when we add new and existing features to Simkl
Service Deals & Recommendations by Simkl - Coupons and discounts for the services we like
Get notified when there's a new OS version and security updates
iOS updates - learn when it's time to update your iPhone and iPad
macOS updates - learn when it's time to update your Mac
tvOS updates - learn when it's time to update your Apple TV
watchOS updates - learn when it's time to update your Apple Watch
How do I enable or disable notifications on Simkl?
What types of notifications can I receive on Simkl?
Are there any notification settings specifically for mobile devices?
How do I get notified when a new episode or movie is added to my watchlist?
How do I turn on/off notifications for new episodes or movies?
How do I change the frequency or time of notifications that I receive?
Can I receive notifications on my mobile device or email?
Can I set up push notifications on my mobile device?
Are there any browser notifications available?
How can I mute or snooze notifications temporarily?
Can I receive notifications for upcoming releases and premieres?
Is there a way to get notified when a specific user adds a review or rating?
How can I troubleshoot notification issues if I'm not receiving them as expected?
Are there any options to integrate my notification settings with my calendar or scheduling apps?
Can I contact support for assistance with my notification preferences if I'm having trouble managing them?
Can I receive notifications for upcoming shows or movies that I'm interested in?
Is there a way to get notified about new recommendations based on my interests?
Is it possible to receive notifications for certain genres or categories only?
Can I receive notifications when my friends watch or rate content on Simkl?
Can I get notified when a title on my watchlist becomes available for streaming?
Can I get notified when a title on my watchlist is about to be removed from a streaming platform?
How can I customize my notification preferences based on my favorite actors, directors, or studios?
Can I get notified when a user I follow creates a new list?
Can I get notified when a title becomes available in a specific region or language?
Is it possible to set up notifications for content ratings or reviews that meet a certain threshold?
Can I get notified when a title from my watchlist wins an award or reaches a milestone?
Here’s how to remove specific data or entirely delete your Simkl account.
You can clean your Watchlists or Delete your Simkl account from this page: https://simkl.com/settings/login/clean-or-delete/
What gets removed?
All watch history, ratings, lists, and other activity.
Friends and followers stay intact.
Who might want this?
If you’re testing imports or developing apps and need a fresh start.
Pick what to clean
Everything: “Delete all watch history, etc”
Just TV Shows, Anime, or Movies: “Clean TV Show/Anime/Movie Watchlist”
Only Ratings: “Clean TV Show/Anime/Movie Ratings”
Confirmation Email
After clicking any clean option, Simkl sends you a confirmation email.
Open the email link to finalize the cleanup.
Check Spam/Junk if you don’t see it.
Think Twice
If you just want privacy, consider making your profile private in Privacy Settings.
If you have any issues, feel free to contact Simkl support team.
How to Delete
Click Delete Simkl account.
You’ll get an email—follow the link there to permanently remove your account.
Check Spam/Junk if it doesn’t arrive soon.
That’s it! Use the cleanup options to reset your data or remove your account entirely if you must.
Privacy is crucial, and SIMKL understands that. With SIMKL's privacy settings, you can control who sees your activity and what information is shared.
To manage your privacy settings, follow here:
To customize the visibility of your SIMKL profile, you can adjust your privacy settings to Public, Private or People Who You Follow .
Public: Anyone, can see your SIMKL Profile and Watch History
Private: No one can see your SIMKL Profile.
People Who You Follow: Only users who you follow on SIMKL, can see your Profile and Watch History
To hide reviews on TV shows, Movie and Anime pages on Simkl, you can adjust your privacy settings. Follow these steps:
Log in to your Simkl account.
Go to your account settings.
Look for the privacy settings section.
Find the option to hide reviews on TV shows and movie pages.
Enable or toggle the setting to hide the reviews.
Public: Anyone can see your reviews on Movies, TV Shows, Anime pages
Private: No one can see your reviews, hidden from others.
By adjusting this setting, you can control the visibility of reviews on TV shows and movie pages according to your preferences.
To hide your watched data on Simkl, you can adjust your privacy settings. By making your watchlists and watch history private, you can ensure that your watched data is not visible to others. You can customize your privacy settings by going to your account settings on Simkl's website.
Simkl Login Settings: Basic Setup
Here’s a quick rundown on how to manage your login and password settings in Simkl.
You can change your login settings at
If you see a notice about being logged in from multiple browsers, you can choose:
Log out from this browser to sign off your current session only.
Log out from all browsers to end every active session at once.
Under Login/Email, click Edit next to your current email address.
Enter your New email and your Current password.
Hit Save Changes (or click Cancel if you change your mind).
Simkl offers quick login by linking certain services to your account.
Google: Connect your Google account to skip typing a password.
Discord: Link Discord for special roles on Simkl’s Discord server and easy profile lookup via the Simkl Discord Bot.
Apple: Connect your Apple account for a simple one-click login.
To remove an existing connection, click the relevant service’s Disconnect or similar button (e.g., “Active” icon) and confirm.
Facebook Note: Facebook login was removed on June 14, 2023. If you previously had it connected, you may only disconnect it now.
Under Password, find the fields for Current password, New password, and Re-type new password.
Enter your current password first.
Then choose a secure new password and type it again to confirm.
Click Save Changes.
If you’ve forgotten your current password, select the “Forgot your password?” link to receive a recovery email.
Look for the Delete section at the bottom.
Click Clean or delete my account if you want to wipe your data or permanently close your Simkl account.
That’s it for the basic setup! Adjust any settings you need, save your changes, and enjoy a more streamlined Simkl experience.
Below is a quick rundown of the basic Profile Settings you can adjust on Simkl, along with some tips on where to click and what each option does.
You can access your profile settings at
Click your current avatar (the circular profile image).
A file selection window appears—choose an image from your device.
The new picture will upload automatically once selected.
Find Display Name.
Click Edit on the right side.
Type your new name in the text field.
Click Save Changes or Cancel to undo.
Your display name appears on your Simkl profile and in your friends’ lists.
Look for the Gender row.
Click Edit.
Pick either Male or Female from the dropdown.
Check or uncheck Show on my profile if you want it visible publicly.
Click Save Changes.
Your birthday on Simkl helps personalize your experience and allows you to share your age with friends if you choose. You can update or hide this information at any time.
Go to the Birthday section.
Click Edit.
Select the Month, Day, and Year.
Check Show age and/or Show birthday if you want these to appear on your profile.
Click Save Changes.
Simkl automatically detects your Country from your IP.
At the moment, it’s not editable—click Edit just to see the note, then click Cancel if needed.
Set a public note on your profile page to display where you're from for other members to see
Under Location, click Edit.
Type in your city and country, e.g., "New York, NY, USA."
(Optional) Click Locate me to let Simkl guess your location automatically.
Click Save Changes.
Simkl uses your time zone to display show times and schedules that match your local area. If what’s shown isn’t accurate—maybe you’re traveling or living abroad—you can update your time zone any time.
Find Time Zone.
Click Edit.
Choose your correct time zone from the dropdown.
Click Save Changes.
That’s it. Your Simkl calendar and any schedule details should now line up with the local time you selected.
Simkl uses this to show times and schedules accurately for your region.
Simkl lets you choose how dates appear across the platform, ensuring they match your preferred format. This setting affects how dates are displayed on your profile, lists, and calendar.
Click Edit beside Date format.
Choose how you want dates displayed (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY
, etc.).
Save Changes.
Your bio is a space to introduce yourself to the Simkl community. You can share your interests, favorite shows, or anything else you'd like others to know.
Under About, click Edit.
Write something about yourself in the text box (who you are, your hobbies—whatever you like).
Save Changes or Cancel to discard.
This text appears on your Simkl profile page. Adding links is currently allowed only to VIP members to avois SEO spam.
The Search Settings section in your Simkl profile allows you to customize how search results behave, making it easier to find your favorite TV shows, movies, and anime.
This setting determines whether Simkl automatically redirects you to a show or movie page when only one result is found.
Enabled: If your search returns a single match, you'll be taken directly to the page.
Disabled: You'll always see the full search results list.
When enabled, Simkl will automatically scroll down to display more results when you click the search button. This helps maximize the number of search results visible at once.
Enabled: The page scrolls to show more results.
Disabled: No automatic scrolling.
This setting controls which tab opens when performing a search.
Open last used: The last search tab you used will be remembered.
Open current section tab: If you’re browsing movies, the search will default to movie results, the same applies to TV shows and anime sections.
After adjusting your search settings, click Save Changes to apply or Cancel to discard modifications.
The Lists Defaults section allows you to set which lists open by default when accessing your TV shows, anime, and movies Watchlists on Simkl from your PROFILE. This helps streamline navigation and lets you jump straight into your most relevant content.
Choose which list opens when clicking MY TV SHOWS:
Full List – View all your TV shows.
Watching – Shows you're currently watching.
Plan to Watch – Titles you've saved to watch later.
Completed – Shows you've finished.
Dropped – Shows you've abandoned.
On Hold – Shows you’re pausing for now.
Set the default list when clicking MY ANIME:
Full List – View all anime.
Watching – Currently watching.
Plan to Watch – Saved for later.
Completed – Finished watching.
Dropped – Anime you stopped watching.
On Hold – Paused anime.
If you don’t watch anime, you can hide it across all Simkl pages.
Show Anime on all Simkl pages (Default).
Hide Anime on all Simkl pages – Removes anime-related content from your experience.
Choose which list opens by default when clicking MY MOVIES:
Full List – View all movies.
Plan to Watch – Movies you've saved for later.
I’ve Seen This – Completed movies.
Dropped – Movies you chose not to finish.
After adjusting your default lists, click Save Changes to apply or Cancel to discard modifications.
The Pagination section allows you to control how content loads and displays while browsing Simkl. Adjust these settings to optimize your browsing experience based on your device’s performance and personal preferences.
Set how many pages automatically load as you scroll down. Be mindful that loading too many pages at once can slow down your device. Alternatively, using the Next > button loads a new page with fewer items, improving performance.
Options: 1, 2, 3 (default), 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100 pages.
Choose how many items display per page when browsing lists. More results mean fewer page loads but can slow down response times. You can use the Show More Results button to load additional results without leaving the page.
Options: 50 (default), 100, 200, or 500 results per page.
Select which day your week starts on for calendar and schedule views. This setting helps align your viewing schedule with regional or personal preferences.
Monday (default – common in Europe, Asia, and many regions).
Sunday (preferred in the U.S., Canada, and some Latin American countries).
Saturday (used in some Middle Eastern countries).
After making changes, click Save Changes to apply or Cancel to discard modifications.
Simkl currently does not offer a light theme option. The dark interface is designed to enhance the viewing experience, reducing eye strain when using the site while watching movies and shows.
That’s it for the Profile section. Once you finish making changes, you’re all set—your profile will reflect the new information right away.
By default, all SIMKL profiles are public, meaning that everyone can see your watchlists and imported data. However, you have the option to make your profile and watchlists private. To do this, go to your website and choose the desired level of privacy for your profile.
This will take you to where you can clean your watchlists, ratings or delete your account from Simkl.