SIMKL Free Plan
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SIMKL Free Plan
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SIMKL offers a Free Plan that provides access to all core features of the platform, making it an excellent choice for users who want to track their Movies, TV Shows, and Anime without paying for a subscription. This plan is ideal for those who are new to media tracking or those who prefer a straightforward approach to managing their watchlist.
The Free Plan includes tracking features, watchlists, favorite lists, and more, allowing members to organize their entertainment preferences efficiently.
Here’s a detailed overview of what's included in the SIMKL Free Plan:
Watchlist Tracking: Effortlessly track any number of TV shows, movies, and anime. Whether you have a few favorites or a vast library, this feature ensures you can keep tabs on what you've watched and what to watch next.
Community Engagement: Join a vibrant community of media enthusiasts. Engage in discussions, share opinions, and discover new content through community recommendations.
Basic Statistics: Gain insights into your viewing habits with basic statistics. Analyze simple metrics to understand your watching trends and preferences better.
Public Watchlists: Organize and share your watchlists. Create public collections of your favorite shows and films, which can be shared with friends or fellow enthusiasts for collaborative viewing experiences.
Platform Syncing: Seamlessly sync your media data with popular platforms such as Trakt and MyAnimeList. This functionality allows for easy data integration and update, ensuring you have an up-to-date library across different services.
Users opting for the Free Plan will experience occasional advertisements, which help support the service and maintain its free offering. For users seeking an ad-free experience, enhanced statistics, and more advanced features, SIMKL offers upgrade plans that cater to more comprehensive needs.
The SIMKL Free Plan provides a powerful entertainment tracking system for users who want to keep track of their movies, TV shows, and anime without paying for a subscription. With detailed watchlists, smart tools, and social engagement features, Free users can fully enjoy the core functionalities of SIMKL.
Below is a breakdown of all the features included in the Free Plan:
Organize what you’re watching with auto-updating lists.
Watching List – Movies, TV Shows, and Anime you are currently watching.
Plan to Watch List – Titles you plan to watch in the future.
Completed List – Shows and movies you have fully watched.
On Hold List – Titles you are pausing for now.
Dropped List – Shows and movies you stopped watching.
Automatically sorts content into categories based on your viewing progress.
Create a list of your all-time favorites.
Free users can add up to 1,000 titles to their Favorite List.
Free users cannot change privacy settings (Favorites List is always public).
No background customization (VIP/PRO users can change the background).
Easily access your top-rated movies, TV shows, and anime.
Find movies, shows, and anime quickly, Saves time when searching for specific content.
Copy-pasting a title from another site automatically pulls it up in SIMKL.
Works across IMDB, TheMovieDB, MyAnimeList, TVDB, and more.
Your lists update automatically based on your watch progress. Effortless tracking without manual sorting.
No need for manual updates—just mark episodes as watched.
The Watching, Plan to Watch, and Completed lists are auto-organized.
Interact with the SIMKL community.
Write and read reviews for movies, TV shows, and anime.
Post comments and join discussions on title pages.
Follow lists created by other users.
Explore SIMKL’s massive entertainment catalog. Easily find and organize new content.
Access 150,000+ titles with detailed information.
Use advanced filters to find content based on year, genre, and rating.
Never miss a new release! Stay updated on what’s coming next.
See countdowns for upcoming TV episodes, movie releases, and anime seasons.
View airing schedules for shows and anime.
Connect with other SIMKL users. Discover what your friends are watching and follow their lists.
Follow other users to see their ratings, reviews, and watchlists.
Compare your watchlists with friends.
Browse and follow custom lists from other SIMKL users. Find community-created lists to discover new content.
View lists curated by PRO & VIP members.
Follow themed lists, such as “Best Sci-Fi Movies” or “Top Anime Series”.
Track which anime episodes are filler. Avoid unnecessary filler episodes in anime.
View filler episode lists for popular anime.
Helps you skip non-canon episodes and stick to the main story.
Get updates on what’s new. Stay informed without constant manual checks.
Receive basic email or browser notifications for updates.
PRO & VIP users get advanced notification options.
Free users can import watch history from certain services. Easily switch to SIMKL from other tracking platforms.
Users can import from 20+ services (Netflix, IMDb, Trakt, Letterboxd, etc.) automatically.
PRO/VIP users can also import & clone custom lists from platforms like Trakt, Letterboxd, MAL, etc
Use SIMKL across different platforms. Track your watch history across multiple platforms seamlessly.
Access SIMKL’s Discord bot.
Use the Mobile App for tracking on the go.
Sync with the SIMKL Browser Extension for Netflix, Crunchyroll, and more.
SIMKL allows users to automatically share their watching activity on X (formerly Twitter). This feature helps users engage with their followers by posting updates on what they’ve watched or rated.
Key Features:
Automatic Updates: Instantly share when you mark a title as watched or rate a movie/TV show.
Customizable Tweets: Personalize messages with episode numbers, hashtags, and show names.
Weekly Watch Summary: Get a recap of what you watched every Monday.
API Key Required: Users must generate their own X API key to enable sharing.
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Yes! The SIMKL Free Plan includes all core tracking features at no cost.
Yes! Free users can follow and interact with other SIMKL users.
Yes, but only basic email and browser notifications.
Yes, auto-tracking and cross-platform syncing are available for all users.
Yes! Filler lists are available to all users.
Yes! Free users can compare lists and follow friends.
The SIMKL Free Plan is an excellent choice for users who want to track their watch history, manage watchlists, and discover new content—without a paid subscription.
However, if you want private lists, automatic syncing, full import access, and ad-free browsing, you might consider upgrading to PRO or VIP..